Induction of the Rev. Neil M Gloverneilinduction26.10.17neilinduction26.10.171neilinduction26.10.176neilinduction26.10.177neilinduction26.10.174neilinduction26.10.175 On Thursday the 26th October the Rev. Neil M Glover was inducted as Minister for Aberfeldy linked with Dull and Weem, linked with Grantully, Logerait and Strathtay. Service of Induction
neilinduction26.10.17neilinduction26.10.171neilinduction26.10.176neilinduction26.10.177neilinduction26.10.174neilinduction26.10.175 On Thursday the 26th October the Rev. Neil M Glover was inducted as Minister for Aberfeldy linked with Dull and Weem, linked with Grantully, Logerait and Strathtay. Service of Induction